월마트가 새롭게 선보인 '앱'
[CLO] 월마트는 그들 소비자가 가정이나 매장 어디서나 쉽게 월마트 제품에 접근이 가능할 수 있기를 원한다. 유통업계의 거인 월마트는 이런 마인드를 갖고 @WalmartLabs 그룹을 통해 두 가지의 새로운 모바일 어플리케이션을 출시했다.
Walmart's New Mobile Apps Add Voice And Budgeting Tools
Walmart wants its customers to have easy access to Walmart products whether they’re at home or in the store. The retail giant is releasing two new mobile apps built by its @WalmartLabs group with that goal in mind.
First is a new iPad application designeed for browsing while at home. People can flip through products and see the latest deals or price rollbacks. The app includes features such as “Browse My Store” so that people can see products that are on the shelves in nearby Walmart stores. If the item isn’t available at the nearby store, there is the option to buy it online for delivery. (중략)
*** 12월호 SCM Review 구독문의 02 3282 3852
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