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QR code or RFID? A medium to lead the revolution of logistics information


by 김편 2012. 2. 2. 12:40


Reporter. Young-Il, Han.

[CLO] Use of QR code spreads rapidly in logistics and distribution area as smooth access to the Web is guaranteed when smart phone camera reads QR code.

Korea Express, Pantos Logistics have introduced cargo tracking service one after another particularly door-to-door delivery service with QR code. If QR code is input to the cargo, all the logistics process from warehousing to delivery can be clearly organized.

For this reason applicability of QR code in logistics field is on an increasing trend.

That's the same case with manufacturers. Food Merce, a food supplier affiliated with Pulmuone group, is now able to increase work efficiency by grafting QR code onto SCM. The company has started to replace RFID with QR code in controlling warehousing and release of materials.

Food supply calls for accurate delivery in a little time, nonetheless, it has attributes of 'atypical' and 'flexible manufacturing'. Food Merce ever used stick-shaped 1 dimensional bar code, however, finally transferred to QR code considering recognition rate and prime cost.

QR code only demands temporary purchase cost for 'reader' as it enables subcontractors to print QR code at SCM portal system just like bar code printing. That is the chance of drawing attention from logistics companies.

The greatest advantage of QR code is that it can create more effect than bar code with low production cost. Typical drawback, on the other hand, is that it does not recognize multiple products at the same time while RFID does.

A staff in pharmaceutical industry said "We use RFID in the manufacturing process, whereas QR code is used to store only simple data and convey it to consumer. We have difficulty in adopting QR code on the production site as it can not scan multiple products simultaneously."

Current RFID technology doesn't make it perfect to recognize multiple products at the same time as well. Both devices are on an equal footing with each other regarding capability of single product recognition. As developers of scanning equipment for QR code increase, its speed of single product recognition has overtaken that of RFID.

Particularly QR code facilitates direct recognition via smart phone and thus it provides smooth link between 'manufacturer - distributor - consumer'. RFID, by contrast, requires intermediate communication device playing a gateway role for smart phone.

A staff in the industry explained "RFID shows weakness in products containing conductive substance or water. As a result it is difficult to introduce RFID to food and beverage companies."

RFID tag has relatively high product cost and low recognition rate against foil materials, while QR code is weak on reflective substances such as vinyl.

QR code seems more appropriate for electronic goods. That's why large manufacturers like Samsung Electronics are now increasing use of QR code.

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